The Designing of a Cigar Line

El Septimo is a luxury cigar brand based in Los Angeles, CA, and is originally from Geneva, Switzerland.

The cigar brand has historically been aimed at a higher-end demographic, with cigars retailing 20%-200% higher than comparable competitors. The design challenge was to create a core line that aimed at lower price point and focused on volume rather than premium pricing.

The Culinary Art Collection concept was developed to associate the luxury aspect of fine tobacco with spirits found in both culinary and viticultural regions of the world. Four regions were selected, with a different size and shape of cigar per region:

  • Bordeaux: One of the most popular wine and food regions in the world, located near the Southern Coast of France. A Connecticut-wrapped 6×60 Gordo cigar was the size chosen for the region.
  • Rioja: Located in the Basque region of Northeast Spain, particularly known for its Tempranillo varietal. A Connecticut-wrapped 5×56 Robusto cigar represents this influential region.
  • Nigori: Not particularly a region in Japan, but rather a variety of Sake, known and named for its cloudy characteristics. A long and slightly thinner Corona Gorda was the cigar chosen to represent this popular spirit.
  • Toscana: It’s name is the Italian name for Tuscany, one of the most vital viticultural areas in Italy and arguably the world. The Toscana is a Connecticut-wrapped 6×52 Toro.

A slightly off-white band with silver was used to design the brand with the white and silver often associated with the culinary arts. A chef’s coat is often white, and the tools of the culinary trade are often stainless steel, which is represented with silver foil. The cigar box packaging is a white-matte finish with three colored bands on the upper left corner distinguishing the product from one region’s country’s flag to the others. Inside the lid of the box, each country’s version of Bon Apetite is displayed against the brand color representative of that country.

Cigar marketing, especially in a retail context, is difficult to differentiate and stand out amongst many different competitors. The design strategy of this product group achieves class, luxury and distinctiveness in a crowded and often similarly designed marketplace.

El Septimo

Branding, Print, AI, Graphic Design